Monday, October 20, 2014

power supply unit mounting

The following post contains one of the weirder solutions so far in the Detectron computer case construction. Even though the power supply unit (PSU) is one of the smallest on the market, fitting it into the Detectron case which is only 62 mm high has caused unhealthy amounts of pondering. A normal person would perhaps argue that fitting something which is 40 mm into a 62 mm slot should be within the range of the plausible, but the problem arrises when also considering the I/O button electronics that also need to sit in this space. On top of the PSU. Let's see how this has been solved.

Apart from requiring a slim mounting solution when mounted, there is also the issue of actually performing the mounting. In a regular computer case a PSU would be slided in into a perfectly sized compartment along the longest axis, and then screwed into place. However, with the PSU orientation needed in this case, the screw-holes of the PSU will be completely blocked - and it needs to go in from the top. To solve this, something very unorthodox has been done. First a holding point was created on the bottom of the case using two pieces of wood that were painstakingly carved to cradle the PSU. These were glued onto the case, but not until a strap was sewn (yes, sewn!) and attached to them, to a tightly as possible hold the PSU down and fast against the case floor.


 This gave an extremely slimmed solution, which nevertheless fixates the PSU in all degress of freedom. Please inspect below! A scrap-salvaged old-school PSU power cable can also be seen.

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